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  "Youth years, we are not self-heed; the years of youth, the career of youth; the years of youth, only because of the burning dreams in this chest." At very small, someone asked me: "Child, what is your ideal?" I said that I am so happy: "Be a great scientist." After a few years, someone asked me: "Big boy, what is your dream?" I said to the person: "For the family, for myself, I want to make a big money for my business." Later, someone asked me this question, I thought about it, "as long as I can support my family, I can have a meal to eat." I thought about it when I mentioned the same problem. It is inevitable. Youth, I have not understood three-year-old children who are habging to often hang a few words in the mouth - ideals, dreams, and ambition. If the ideal is to the future of a better future: Dream is the forwarding of a beautiful future life; the ambition is a firm pursuit of good future. So, I feel on the future or feel that I can only be: worry, sacred, fear. Youth year, I realized that this loneliness is lonely, and I taste this virtual. Looking for the footprint left by youth, looking for a seal of youth years. I have always thought that I would like yourself to youth, until it is like a white cloud on the blue sky. But because your appearance has changed my many mistakes. If the darkness of the night will pass, then you are the dawn before the dawn, awaken my dinner. If green is a symbol of hope, then you are green messengers, the angel of hope. Give me the value of life. If you give me a smile, then I am cold and low, I feel very comfortable.



  We Must Face FailureAs we all know, "Failure is the mother of success." But few people can really understand what the saying means.In the world, I am sure that no one dare say he hasn't met any trouble all his life. So we must face failure. In fact, failure is not fearful, but important thing is how to face it correctly. Facing failure, people will never take their fate lying down.They will try their best to work harder and harder until at last they succeed.Not being courageous to face setbacks, people have no chance to enjoy the pleasure of success. So they have nothing to do but feel sad and empty all day and all night. In fact, they lose the chance of success themselves.My friend, whenever in trouble, please remember, "Failure is the mother of success.



  youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .

  youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody grows old merely by a number of years . we grow old by deserting our ideals.

  years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .

  whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of whats next and the joy of the game of living . in the center of your heart and my heart theres a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .

  when the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of

  cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.

  thank you!

  励志英语作文:We Must Face Failure

  As we all know, "Failure is the mother of success." But few people can really understand what the saying means. In the world, I am sure that no one dare say he hasn't met any trouble all his life. So we must face failure. In fact, failure is not fearful, but important thing is how to face it correctly. Facing failure, people will never take their fate lying down.They will try their best to work harder and harder until at last they succeed.

  Not being courageous to face setbacks, people have no chance to enjoy the pleasure of success. So they have nothing to do but feel sad and empty all day and all night. In fact, they lose the chance of succethemselves. My friend, whenever in trouble, please remember, "Failure is the mother of success."

  you can do it !you could be the one!whatever trouble you met how terrible it was,you just think that all will be all right,there is no things is importance in the world.please believe youself.if you often complain of the terrible thigs you suffe in the trouble,so you can not happy and have a new life.so your life's golf will be not clearly.your life won't become meaningfully.you must have the surely mind,and do it by the plan .nobody dont like confident people,the most importance point is confident.when you have it ,everything you do it will be succeful!

  励志英语作文:Building up Self-Confidence

  Self-confidence, as is approved by research and practice, has an amazingly powerful influence on the output of people’s activities. Patients who believe that they’ll recover soon generally cures faster than those who think they won’t. Students with optimistic characters usually provide better performance, even if they work the same hard as others. Although someone may regard such conclusion as superstitious, it does take place everyday and everywhere. Neural scientists have discovered that, when a man feels confident, his brain will secrete some kinds of hormone that boost brain activity and improve the efficiency of his immune system. In contrast, a melancholic brain is suppressed by other chemicals and cannot fully exhibit its potential.

  To help building up self-confidence, you can take the following two steps. First, identify your merits and value them. If you constantly compare your weakness to others’ advantages, you’d only gain frustration rather than confidence. Second, track every little progress you’ve made and review them frequently. You may not possibly become perfectly successful in one day, but if only you can see yourself growing gradually, surely you’re on the right way. There’re also other methods making you more confident that depend on yourself to find out, and they’re all necessary elements to make you more competitive in your area.


  just for today i will try to live through this day only and not tackle mywhole life problem at once. i can do something for twelve hours that wouldappall me if i had to keep it up for a lifetime. just for today i will be happy. this assumes to be true what abrahamlincoln said,that “most folks are as happy as they make up their minds tobe.”

  just for today i will adjust myself to what is, and not try to adjusteverything to my own desires. i will take my “luck” as it comes. just for today i will try to strengthen my mind. i will study. i will learnsomething useful. i will not be a mental loafer. i will read something thatrequires effort, thought and concentration. just for today i will exercise my soul in three ways. i will do somebody agood turn and not get found out: if anybody knows of it, it will not count. iwill do at least two things i don't want to do—just for exercise. i will notshow anyone that my feelings are hurt: they may be hurt, but today i will notshow it. just for today i will be agreeable. i will look as well as i can, dressbecomingly, talk low, act courteously, criticize not one bit,and try not toimprove or regulate anybody but myself.

  just for today i will have a program, i may not follow it exactly, but iwill have it. i will save myself from two pests: hurry and indecision. just for today i will have a quiet half hour all by myself and relax.during this half hour, sometime, i will try to get a better perspective of mylife. just for today i will be unafraid. especially i will not be afraid to enjoywhat is beautiful,and to believe that as i give to the world, so the world willgive to me.


  "Jinshe's 50th string, a string one column" Youth is a bumpy approach, youth is a bright sadness, youth is a gorgeous movement. When I was so mad, I started to enter the threshold, the youth of the day was innocent. As the age is added, the inexplicable sadness is more and more. I have complained it, the ruggedness, it's sad. Looking back, then the chaotic and rhythmic footsteps, how many stem tears are hidden? It allows mature instead of my innocent, the wonderful song of youth is gently floating, I will move my gently, continue to fill in the most beautiful marks in life. "Zhuang Sheng Xiaoma, Diqi, Wang Di Chunxin, Tott Du." The songs in the road, come to the front of the spring, and the mountains of Mount Mountain will be as warm, so beautiful. It turned out that the flower is like this, I have begun to learn to stay in love, learn to lie, learn to stay. I finally resist beautiful temptation, I chose to stay, no longer, smelling this heartless flowers, the tired body, sleep with the scent, sleeping next to the road. Be a beautiful dream. I don't know how long it took, I was woke up in a heavy rain, and the flowerside have changed into a piece of thick green. I stood again, my bitter bag, continued the long distance. Youth is just a process, not the ultimate home. There must be a rhemin that he can take out beautiful life. "There is a tear of the Pearl of China, and the blue sky is warm and jade." The beauty of youth is just a small course. It is like the clouds of the sky, like the meteor in the sky. Its beauty is to accompany our growth. "Life is only used, there is no ownership." This may be the best interpretation of it. Its beauty is intoxicating, and people are heartbroken. We can add a warm color to this time, maybe this is our best to use it. Stepping on the green grass in Qingqing, through the faintly from the forest, I will find the bright sun in front, give you the hot temperature, staining the wound that is bleeding due to the bleeding of the past. "This love has become a recollection. When you don't want to be empty." Youth will be our most beautiful memory, it is the most shining pearl in memory. I only put this beauty in the most deep corner of memory, go for permanent memories. Memories are part of life, but not all. Because time is ruthless, in a short period of time, make sense, it is the best feedback to it. We should continue to walk forward, and we cannot be able to become the owner of the slave pesticide time. Over the past! People can't live forever, society is developing, and people are the main body, so people living in history will be eliminated by the advancement of society. Can't do a sinner in time. Try Harder! Use your most beautiful colors to decorate the sky on your head.


  In Calaveras, California, there lived a man whose name was Jim Smiley. Jim enjoyed betting somuch that he would bet on anything. If anyone said good morning to him, he would bet themthat it was not a good morning. Whenever there was a horse race or a chicken fight, Jim wouldbet on it. He didn’t care which side he bet on, as long as he had a bet. One day, Jim showed a frog to a stranger who had just arrived in Calaveras, and bet thestranger forty dollars that the frog can jump farther and faster than any other in CalaverasCounty. The stranger said he didn’t see anything about the frog different from any other, and ifhe had a frog he would bet Jim. Jim left his frog with the stranger and go out to find a frog forthe stranger. Meanwhile, the stranger took out a bag of gunshot, forcing the frog’s mouthopen and poured the shot into it. Soon Jim returned with a frog for the stranger.The two frogs were put on the floor, and theneach man gave his frog a push. The stranger’s frog hopped off smartly. But Jim’s frog just satthere, unable to move an inch. Jim had no choice. He gave forty dollars to the stranger, whotook the money and started away. Jim picked up his frog, and found it extremely heavy. Heturned it upside down, and the gunshot came out. He knew he had been fooled and, like a madman, started running after the stranger. As he ran, he passed one of his friends, who asked him where he was going. "To catch a thief!" shouted Jim. "No matter how fast he may run, I'll catch him. I'll bet you fivedollars!"







  The intelligent part of the universe is the essence of youth. This is the most beautiful time in one's life, just like the midsummer of the four seasons. Everything is eclipsed by youth. As long as you are hardworking, confident and energetic, your youth is youth without regret.

  Having a regretless youth requires us to work hard and forge ahead. Working hard in the years of growth is the key to make us have no regrets. In order to return to their hometown, the salmon upstream do not hesitate to fly over the waterfall, avoid the hungry bear, exhaust their strength to return to their hometown, and die happily after laying fish eggs. Is this stupid? No, this is salmon fighting for future generations! After laying eggs, they will die. This is free and easy after leaving no regrets.

  Having a regretless youth also requires self-confidence, courage to do and responsibility. Seiji Ozawa is the world's symphony conductor. In the final of an excellent conductor competition, he performed according to the score given by the jury, and keenly found the discordant sound. At first, he thought it was the band's performance. In addition to mistakes, he stopped to direct the performance again, but it was still wrong. So he thought there was something wrong with the score, but the composer and the authority of the jury insisted that there was no problem with the score. He thought again and again, and finally said firmly, "no! It must be the wrong score!" As soon as the voice fell, the judges immediately stood up and gave him warm applause to congratulate him on winning the competition. It turned out that this was a trap carefully designed by the judges. The first two conductors found mistakes, but were eliminated because they echoed the opinions of the judges. Seiji Ozawa's self-confidence made him realize his dream. We also need to have self-confidence, achieve our dreams and have a regretless youth like him.

  Youth is full of vitality. In the classroom, we listened carefully; The grass is marked with our sweat; There are traces of hard study on our desk. But we are tireless, like industrious bees. We are full of vitality, and youth also needs to be full of vitality.

  Youth is a beautiful song. Many stories are born in the song and intertwined into unforgettable melody. Youth cannot last forever, but it can be without regret.


  Unconsciously, we have quietly grown up, began to transition from children to adulthood, entered the gate of adolescence, and began the most beautiful spring of life

  My ambition in adolescence is higher than heaven, and I am as full of vitality and vigor as spring;

  I am bold and unrestrained in adolescence, as enthusiastic and unrestrained as summer;

  I don't know why I became so sentimental in adolescence, as deep and melancholy as the silk rain in autumn;

  In adolescence, I had the coldness and composure of winter.

  When we think of youth, we will think of many beautiful things

  Youth is a pyramid, is enterprising. Only by forging ahead, can youth radiate great power;

  Youth is two connected hearts and friendship. Youth Friendship is selfless, pure, without any utilitarian color. It is like a cup of fragrant tea, which is still so memorable after a few years;

  Youth is a new moon and a regret. Youth is always incomplete. Because it is incomplete, there is a different experience and a beautiful hope;

  Youth is a harp and happiness. Youth has no reason to be unhappy;

  Youth is bookshelf and wisdom. Youth without books is a fruitless flower;

  Youth is a banner and an ideal banner. The goal of youth is a flag running in the wind;

  Youth is fist and strength. The power of youth is vitality plus courage plus aura;

  Youth is the horizontal bar and sports. The first sign of youth is health, and health comes from unremitting exercise;

  Youth is a single person, independent. It means that when you grow up and become an adult, you no longer rely on your parents and teachers. You should have an independent personality, independent ability and be responsible for your actions.

  Youth is a symbol of vitality. It contains wisdom, courage and will. With these, we have the courage and courage to overcome difficulties. Youth will make us full of novelty for the future, make us have the courage to face everything in front of us, make us calmly accept joy and sorrow, and enable us to enjoy the fun of life competition

  For our youth without regret and life flash, cherish youth with your heart!


  Erupted 92 years ago, vigorous patriotic national campaign - the may fourth movement. WuSiQing years with his own explaining the rules of the era of beautiful youth.

  My impression of women"s hair"s ear and elegant figure, a male fierce if milk division of princes, men and women during the May 4th youth wrote a masculine and feminine vivid shape leads to beauty. That kind of fusion is so perfect, fascinating. This beauty embodied in the pursuit of truth persistence, concise in the pressure on the spirit. This beauty is undoubtedly a shining into the heart of the dark society.

  Generation is a generation"s unique beauty.

  There is a generation of youth generation unique melody of youth.

  Our new youth of 21st century, and how to compose your youth movement

  Away from the war, far from enough to eat. Superior living conditions seems to make us forget the past disaster and misfortune. But a rapidly changing society contributed to the contemporary youth will have a sense of urgency and the sense of crisis. Face growing pressure of competition, our life in the spiral of watching their energy. In this young "market" flag in the society, the youth is our capital of clap, we use it as a backing, sailed in the competition the rapids, aplomb.

  Early in the morning, the spring breeze stroke. And traveling to campus cage sunlight, lang lang"s top of yunnan on campus. That is our youth in interpretation.

  National games athletes run aspersing sweat on the pitch as the lion; Evening party we live performance to show themselves; In volleyball students held his fierce in rows, fell down and injured, we never give up that is the release of our youth.

  Night, the lights lit within buildings. Sasha vujacic pen interacting with luminous, our actions so harmonious and consistent. That we cherish the youth.

  Let us wings, fly to the blue sky. Picking the best white clouds in the sky belongs to our youth.


  Spring has come quietly, we still stay in the winter of the cold. It’s time to forget the cold embrace of the spring.Spring, a season of recovery; spring, a spring season; spring, a happy season. In this beautiful season, I met the most beautiful you, let my little world bloom in this season, with its unique beauty.

  Let me hold you - spring


  Spring is coming quietly, but we still stay in the cold winter. It’s time to forget the cold and embrace the warm spring.Spring is a season of revival; spring is a season of happiness. In this beautiful season, I can see the colorful flowers blooming, and enjoy the birds singing.

  Let me hold you, spring.


  youth is a beautiful word to our h is the most memorable period of our life.

  now,i am 18 years old and i am studying in a Middle school.i found that the school life is happy and enjoyable.i make lots of friends on school campus,and the teachers in our school are kind and they impart knowledge to us.i study hard at school and try to get good marks in the class,because i want to be a useful person for the society in the future and to fulfill my dreams.

  Sometimes I prefer to stay alone, reading and listening to the music, but I am not lonely, for I like to chat with my classmates about almost favourite sports is playing volleyball,i like to play volleyball with my friends.

  i enjoy the time at school,that will be the most memorable period of my life.


  Wake up our youth don't continue to hide in the corner to sleep since then my life you are leading to let my life bright spring days listening to music with fast swing slow dance. The passion to follow this is our dream. This is the world's most beautiful roses have no what can let us down have no what can let us fall apart without what can let us and nothing can make us tired not what can make us regret what can no longer let us back into the wind said loudly we naive fearlessness despite the time water I do not know what time from the beginning, used by the evening the golden sunset on the road home, on the spot barge shadows through the city's high streets and back lanes. This is a the end of the summer, dragging a long string of hot elongation sign. The night has been reluctant to come to this small town by the sea, the sun to be reluctant to part with that piece of blue sky, it would not fall into the western horizon slept, behind the dazzling light glowed lonely sad. Perhaps it deep wounds in the flowing hot blood, will the sky into a red color. A summer vacation has passed, I never can the static under heart to write some of their own words. Busy, which is the only thing that can describe the summer term. Learning life is never idle, it is like is a kind of fate, is this world what are tightly bound, and then how to fight also to no avail, can only suffer in silence, and then learn to accept. We can only choose to compromise, because does not have the world will only be eliminated, it is a kind of what kind of heartless indifference, how cruel helpless. Sometimes imperceptibly to step by step follow sun subduction direction, let the last ray of light fell on my palm. So the days passed, day in and day out in the summer of last year after year, my childhood fade away.


  Youth is a sailing ship. It is the sea that gives it strength and makes it move forward; Youth is a piece of falling leaves. It is the wind that embraces it that makes it dance in the air; Youth is a galaxy of stars. It is the dark night sky that sets off its brilliance.

  Youth is a wonderful and indispensable part of our life. Only by working hard, youth can live up to its promise. Only by working hard, youth can be more brilliant. If you try to find youth, youth will also find you. You can live up to your youth, and youth can live up to you. Only by sprinkling the seeds of hard work can you grow rich fruits. Cherish your youth and feel the dew in the morning, the wind in the evening and the shining of the stars.

  To live up to our youth is like when a big stone blocks our way forward. Don't be afraid and don't kick with your feet. That will only hurt yourself. We should move it away and help ourselves and others. On the road of our youth growth, we should study well and never live up to the blood and sweat of our parents, the teachings of our teachers and the expectations of our classmates.

  Youth is a dusty umbrella in the corner when it rains cats and dogs. When you forget to take it or can't open it, you can only accept the flirtation of rain. Therefore, youth is what you intend to do, you must do it, you can't forget it, and you have to stick to it in order to succeed. Just as you said in the final exam of this semester that you want to test the top 3 of the class, I hope you don't just want to, No one has a smooth journey. There are always some bumps on the road of youth, but as long as you stick to it, even if you walk very slowly, you are close to success, but success will not go far. Speed up the pace, we can catch up with it, and you will find that youth is waving to us.

  Youth is the effort to live up to expectations, the sweat shed, the fruit harvested, and the joy of learning a math problem. Flowers are not only in full bloom in spring, rivers are not only flowing to the sea. As long as you love, mountains and seas can be flat and live up to your youth. Then try hard. Don't leave regrets for your youth. Ignorant childhood youth is also a wonderful fragment when you recall it.

  Let's act together, live up to our youth and move towards a better tomorrow. Let's sit on the ship of youth and roam in the dazzling space. Come on! Young people on the road of youth.


  High school students have come into a sensitive stage, their bodies grow sofast and their minds have to keep up with the change. The boys and girls startto realize the gender difference, there will be some awkward moments betweenthem. The troubled adolescent annoys many teenagers, because they have problemsall the time. For the girls, they want to look as beautiful as the commercialmodels, so they go on a diet and struggle with hunger. For the boys, they wantto be as cool as the heroes in the TV, so they pretend to care about nothing andgo against the school regulations. The troubles teenagers meet are very typical,they can talk to their teachers or go to see the psychologist. They need to takethe right attitudes towards these problems, or they will go the wrong way.


  Many years ago, the movie about the youth became very popular, every year,we can see many hot movies about the protagonist’s passed youth.

  People like torecall their passed youth, which makes such movies sell good. But I find thecommon things about these movies, all the protagonists’ youth are aboutfighting, love and other negative things. I understand the directors’ intention,they want to tell people youth is not perfect and having pities. Of course movieis exaggerating, the real youth is about studying, at least, most people haveworked so hard to get into their ideal colleges.What the movies describe makeup some people’s youth, for which they don’t have the chance to experience.

  We should not be misled by these movies, for the teenagers, their job is to study,so that they can have a bright future.


  The three-year-old innocent; seven-year-old happy childhood; fifteen hard struggles. The beautiful childhood of elementary school, such as fragrant tea, is endless; now junior high school life, such as spirits, let people are full of bitterness. I live in struggle! Learning the battlefield, more fierce, unclear, negligent, waking for a while, even if you waste a minute, one hour, will fall behind, and finally fail. "Language, Mathematics, English." Qi Quan homework, I have to solve one by one. "Hey, Mulan is a homewood, don't mention the sound, only the woman's interest." "X + y + z u003d 70." The pen in his hand is like a horse, and there is no worries on the child.

  The formula in the brain is like a sword, let me go forward in the problem of mathematics. Struggling, tired, hurt, eyes, closed eyes, deep breathing, over five points, and then advance. On the class, the teacher is talking about it, listening carefully, followed, can't go back. After class, close your eyes and recall.

  Back to the school bag, to eat forward. Every day, the job is like a river, and I don't know if it is written. Some lessons have not been back, they have to be tired, in this dim light, in this silent night, in this fierce battle, the heart is always awkward, and "others are definitely reviewed. Yes, I have to work harder, fast, write, write a quick review. "Take the" people who often raise their hands in class. "I have a high-level person." I live in struggle. " In, because struggle gives me endless power. I live in struggle, because of the continuous struggle "," more on the first floor. "I live in struggle, because struggle makes my life more wonderful!









