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英语说课稿Do you like pears

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英语说课稿Do you like pears

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英语说课稿Do you like pears

  Unit5 Do you like pears?

  Good morning, my dear judges. I'm the second competitor. I am very glad to interpret my teaching design here. The topic of this lesson is “Do you like pears?”. My presentation consists of the following aspects.

  At fist, I want to say something about the analysis of teaching material. This lesson is chosen from PEP English book, the second semester of grade3, Unit 5. The main topic of this unit is about the habit. This unit is very interesting because there are many fruits in this lesson. After learning this unit, students could use “do you like…” and other sentence structures to express their habit.

  The second part is analysis of students. Overall, the thinking mode of students in junior middle school has become abstract and logical, even the reflective thinking has appeared. However, to some extent, abstract thinking still needs specific image as a foundation. At the same time, the quality of thinking of junior middle school students, especially the independence and criticalness, have had a big development. But the one-sidedness and superficiality are easy to occur.

  Based on the idea of New Curriculum Standard in English class, my teaching aims are made up of following three parts:

  First one is knowledge aim: students can tell the English name of several fruits, and could use the sentences structure “do you like…?”, ‘I like….”, “I do not like….” to express their favorite fruits.

  The next one is ability aim: students can improve their speaking and listening abilities after learning this unit, and they could apply these knowledge into their daily life.

  The last one is emotional aim: students can improve their interest in learning English and understand fruit is very healthy to our body and foster the good habit of eating fruits everyday.

  Next part is key point and difficult point. The key point of this lesson is making dialogues with those sentence structures and use them in proper environment; The difficult point is letting them realize that fruit is good to our health, and fostering this good habit.

  After above analysis, I will talk about the analysis of teaching methods and studying methods. I’ll mainly use “Task-based teaching method” to embody the main body of students; besides, I will also use “Communicative language teaching method” and “TPR teaching method” as other main teaching methods. As to the studying methods, I will ask students to make dialogue and role play in groups.

  Then let’s move on to the analysis of teaching aids. I will use multi-media, pictures, tape recorder and some fruits such banana, apple and grapes.

  The following part is the most important part ---- teaching procedures. There are four steps in my teaching procedures.

  Step 1. Greeting and Lead-in.

  At the very beginning of class, I will say hello to every students, and then I’ll invite them to sing an apple song” apple red, apple round…” and ask them do you like this song? What kind of fruit in this song? And then told them the theme of this unit is about what kind fruit do they like.

  This kind of lead-in will excite students’ interest greatly.

  Step 2. Presentation.

  I will ask students to look at the picture in the part of LET’S TALK, and have a guess what they are doing. And play the radio to let them listen to the radio and find out what they are doing. And then perform the things happened in the picture. During this period, I will told students to pay more attention to the two sentence structures “do you like sth.” and “yes, I do/ no, I do not” , and let them know that these two sentence structures is the key point in this lesson.

  Then I will move on to the LET’S PLAY part, and ask students to use the pictures in their hands to make dialogues with partners.

  Through this step, students could understand what is the key point quickly. And after they practiced to make several dialogues, they can use the two structures in different situations.

  Then I will go on the next section----LET’S LEARN, in this section, I will let students listen to the tape first and then give them five minute to make dialogue with desk mates. Then I will invite three groups to share their dialogues with other students.

  The purpose of this section is that let student familiar with the two sentence structure again and again, and finally they can speak out these two structures without any thinking.

  Step 3. Consolidation

  In this step, I will let them do the LET’S CHANT first, and let them guess the meaning of “yummy”. And sing this little song together.

  Through guessing the meaning of “yummy”, students can improve their guessing ability, and teaching the meaning of word in this way also can develop the comprehensive ability of students.

  Step 4. Summary and Homework

  I will invite some students to make a summary about what we’ve learnt in this class according to the blackboard design, and emphasis the key sentence structures again.

  My homework is let students to finish the LET’S SPELL, and read the dialogue to their parents.

  The purpose of this step is to help students to summarize the key points in this lesson and the homework can improve their speaking ability.

  At last, let me talk about the analysis of the blackboard design. I will design my blackboard as follows, and I will draw some brief pictures on the blackboard.